Sunday, September 15, 2024

Top 5 This Week

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By Michelle Lyons, Columnist

On January 21, 2019 Senator Kamala Harris announced her campaign for Presidency on Good Morning America. Eleven months later, November 2019, I decided to volunteer for her, “Kamala Harris For The People”. My aunt at the time told me she did not care for Kamala “She’s too ambitious,” she said.  I, then, wondered what my aunt thought about me, a Black woman with a business for four years outside of Beverly Hills who speaks several languages. “Too Ambitious?  What does that say about me?, I asked her.

Often times Black women are overlooked.  Therefore, we are “all” too ambitious because in an American Society we are repeatedly up against all odds, like Maya Angelou said, “Still [We] Rise”.

I want to raise my daughter in a world where women are unbounded like Jennifer Lopez and fearless like Kamala Harris because for far too often women have been taught to be less than.

Often women dumb themselves down to make their male counterparts feel superior, and as a result we are left with a society that is not maximizing its productivity.

However, when women break barriers men then power themselves to break barriers also.

I have never dated a guy that did not become drastically more ambitious just by dating me.

After all,  “A man with dreams needs a woman with vision”. Often times, women are the ones that see the unknown and help manifest it.

Kamala Harris as our next Vice President will send a clear message to the rest of the world because she will motivate women, and all the women will motivate the men and children. 

Michelle Obama said it best, “Our future is only as bright as our girls”. We can now start calling America Sirius A, the brightest star in the sky, thanks to an ambitious girl.


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