The Los Angeles Clippers’ plans for a billion-dollar arena complex moved closer to reality following this week’s Inglewood’s City Council meeting when council members voted unanimously to approve the environmental impact report for the project. During a 13-minute video presentation, which dominated the council meeting, the project’s developer, Wilson Meany, played a nearly 13-minute video in which Clippers coach Doc Rivers, owner Steve Ballmer, president of business operations Gillian Zucker, and Hall of Fame player and team advisor Jerry West strongly encouraged the project’s approval.
Following the council’s weekly agenda, the members adopted a resolution making findings, overruling protests and objections, and ordering that delinquent sewer fees and refuse charges are placed on the tax rolls, for Fiscal Year 2020-2021.
The council received public input on the Draft Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Annual Action Plan and considered the adoption of a resolution amending Inglewood Municipal Code Chapters 8, and 12, including Zoning Code Amendment 2018-01 (ZCA-2018-01) to establish short term rental regulations and short term rental fees.
Public hearing to consider multiple actions associated with the Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC) Project that includes an arena intended to promote the enjoyment and recreation of the public by providing access to the City’s residents in the form of spectator sports, specifically basketball, with up to 18,000 fixed seats to host National Basketball Association games, and with up to 500 additional temporary seats for other events such as family shows, concerts, corporate and community events, and other sporting events; an up to 85,000-square foot team practice and athletic training facility; up to 71,000 square feet of LA Clippers office space; an up to 25,000-square foot sports medicine clinic; up to 63,000 square feet of ancillary and related arena uses including retail and dining; an outdoor plaza adjacent to the arena; parking facilities; relocation of a City of Inglewood groundwater well; and various circulation, infrastructure, and other ancillary uses (the Project). The Project will also include a limited-service hotel and was approved by the council.
The council approved the Fifth Amendment to CEQA Funding Agreement No. 18-055 with Murphy’s Bowl LLC to include an additional $1,378,601.00, to cover certain City costs and activities associated with the Phases II and III Scope of Services provided by third party consultants necessary to provide certain environmental, legal, fiscal and appraisal services on behalf of the City as required and/or contemplated by the Amended and Restated Exclusive Negotiating Agreement (ENA) with regard to the proposed development of a National Basketball Association Arena and Associated Facilities (Project).
The council approved Amendments to Agreements with Environmental Science Associates (ESA), Tiffiletti Consulting, Inc., and Remy Moose Manley LLP (RMM) for certain third party environmental, legal and other consulting services regarding the proposed development of a National Basketball Association Arena.
The council approved a four-year payment authorization for the annual software licensing renewals and equipment maintenance.
The council adopted a resolution amending the Fiscal Year 2019-2020 budget authorizing a transfer in the amount of $33,964 from the Community Affairs Division to the Scientific Services Division for personnel expenses related to unfreezing one Forensic Specialist position.
The council approved Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 17-510 with Community Veterinarian Hospital to continue providing veterinary services for the Police Department’s canines.