By Francis Taylor, Senior Writer
This week’s council meeting began with the Mayor and Council Members saluting Still I Rise From Cancer Inc. for their work providing hope for cancer survivors throughout the city and beyond.
The council next acknowledged the graduates of the Inglewood Career Online High School for their commitment and dedication to the successful completion of all requirements for high school diploma and credentialed career certificate as prescribed by Career Online High School.
Senator Steven Bradford, whose 35th District includes the City of Inglewood, delivered a comprehensive summary of the statewide legislation that will impact Inglewood residents and provided a more detailed overview of the measures he introduced during the current legislative session.
Following a Public Hearing to consider an ordinance approving Zoning Code Amendment 2019-001 (ZCA-2019-001) to Chapter 12 (Planning and Zoning) of the Inglewood Municipal Code to allow towing service with ancillary vehicle storage and ancillary vehicle inspection in the C-S (Commercial Storage) zone citywide, the measure was approved be the council.
The council adopted a resolution amending the Fiscal Year 2019-2020 annual budget transferring $50,000 from General Fund Reserves to secure the legal services of Bremer Whyte Brown & O’Meara.
The council approved an agreement with Kane Ballmer & Berkman for legal, guidance, and representation.
The council approved a professional services agreement with Dudek, an environmental consulting firm, to prepare the necessary Phase 1 CEQA environmental documents required for the proposed mixed-use development.
The council approved a two-year agreement (with the option to extend two additional one-year terms) with Bear Communications to provide preventive maintenance and on-call emergency repair services for the Police Department’s radio equipment. (General Fund)
The council awarded a contract and approved an agreement with Tri-Chem Technology Corporation for the upgrade of the City Hall cooling tower system per Bid No. CB-19-09.
Staff report recommending approval of the “Design Features” Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City of Inglewood and the City of Los Angeles, Department of Airports (LAWA) to receive $8,932,000 for Intelligent Transportation System Improvements.
Staff report recommending the introduction of the Updated Salary Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2019-2020.
City Manager Artie Fields reported that planning for the 2020 MLK Celebration is underway and the event will be held on January 20, 2020 from 9 am to 5 pm. The celebration will feature a Parade and Family Festival and this year, for the first time, will also feature a Queen’s Court. Junior and Senior High School girls are invited to apply for selection and they may apply online through November 18, 2019. Cash prizes will be awarded.
Following considerable public comments from renters and a few from apartment owners, the initiative advanced by Mayor James T. Butts, Jr., recommending the introduction of an Ordinance to amend Chapter 8 of the Inglewood Municipal Code by adding Article 9 (Just Cause Eviction Protections), Article 10 (Residential Rent Regulations); and Chapter 2, Article 3 (Boards and Commissions) to add a Rental Housing Board, was unanimously approved by the council with a few clarifying modifications. Mayor Butts explained that the three percent rent cap, which will be lifted in five years, to comply with the state measure, was instituted because the majority of property owners who communicated with the mayor and council members as they evaluated the cost of rental property in the City of Inglewood and what would be the best overall measure to stabilize rents, indicated that their average annual rent increase did not exceed three percent.
The other reason the mayor cited for the amended ordinance was because everyone had an opportunity to provide their input and while the measure is not perfect it is fair.
The mayor and council members in attendance thanked everyone who was involved in the process of establishing a rent stabilization ordinance for the City of Inglewood.