The council considered an ordinance to amend the Inglewood Municipal Code to establish policies for Short Term Rentals and another to amend Chapter 3 (Motor Vehicles and Traffic) of the Inglewood Municipal Code to implement a Citywide Permit Parking Districts Program.
The council adopted a resolution to adopt the California Office of Emergency Services (CalOES) Form 130 – Designation of Subrecipient’s Agent Resolution for Non-State Agencies.
The council approved Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 19-183 with L.A. Business Printing for services related to the printing and production of the City’s Community Information Guide (CIG), extending the term of the contract an additional one-year period.
The council approved a waiver and general release for retired Police Canine, Falco and a
three-year agreement with Lexis Nexis Coplogic Solutions, Inc., for access to the Desk Officer Reporting System.
The council approved a five-year agreement with AT&T to purchase equipment and services to upgrade the City’s emergency phone system.
The council adopted a resolution conditionally naming streets for the future City rights-of-way at Hollywood Park Development Site and another authorizing the issuance of taxable pension obligation bonds.
The council adopted a resolution amending the Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Capital Improvements Program Budget for the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Gap Closure Improvement Project (P701) in the amount of $13,500,000.
The council approved an agreement with Crosstown Electrical & Data to order and store material for the Intelligent Traffic Systems (ITS) Gap Closure Improvement Project: Material Procurement, per Bid No. CB-20-04.
The council approved an Agreement with Curtis-Rosenthal, Inc., for real estate appraisal services for the proposed IBEC Project, subject to the approval of an Advance Fund Agreement with Murphy’s Bowl LLC.
The council authorized the execution of a Billboard Lease and Development Agreement with WOW Media, Inc.
It was also noted that City Hall is scheduled to open, without the need for an appointment, on May 18, 2020.