By Francis Taylor, Executive Editor
The council conducted a public Hearing to consider assessment levies for the Inglewood Street Lighting Assessment District 1980-1. And after receiving public input adopted a resolution modifying and/or approving the Engineer’s Report and ordering improvements and the levy and collection of assessments within the City of Inglewood Street Lighting Assessment District No. 1980-1.
Another public Hearing was conducted to consider assessment levies for the Morningside Park Maintenance Assessment District 1974-2. The council adopted a resolution declining to levy the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Assessment on the Morningside Park Maintenance Assessment District 1974-2 and accepted the Engineer’s Report; and directed the City Clerk to file said Engineer’s Report as part of the permanent record.
A public Hearing was conducted to consider assessment levies for the In-Town Maintenance Assessment District 1975-1. The council adopted a resolution declining to levy the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Assessment on the In-Town Maintenance Assessment District 1975-1 and accepted the Engineer’s Report; and directed the City Clerk to file said Engineer’s Report as part of the permanent record.
A final public hearing was conducted to consider assessment levies for the Darby-Dixon Maintenance Assessment District 1987-1. The council adopted a resolution declining to levy the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Assessment on the Darby-Dixon Maintenance Assessment District 1987-1, accepted the Engineer’s Report; and directed the City Clerk to file said Engineer’s Report as part of the permanent record.
The council recognized Mayor Butts birthday and he before closing the weekly meeting he reflected on his many years of public service.