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We Need Pardons for Social JusticeBy Willie Brown

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According to, last week, President Joe Biden commuted the
sentence of a former Pennsylvania judge at the center of the notorious “kids-
for-cash” scandal. The scheme involved sending juveniles to a detention
center in exchange for more than $2 million in kickbacks.
Another controversial pardon was granted to a former Illinois lawyer, involved
in overseeing fraudulent tax shelters that cost the government more than $1.6
To date, the president has pardoned dozens of people and commuted the
sentences of nearly 1,500. More are on the way. Crimes range from high-
level financial fraud to low level nonviolent drug charges committed years ago.
While political pundits continue to cry over Biden pardoning his son Hunter for
illegal gun possession and a tax evasion charge, social justice advocates
have their eyes on protecting the First Amendment right to peacefully protest.
Black Lives Matter is asking Biden to issue pardons to those charged with
federal offenses for standing up to police violence.
In a statement dated December 13, 2024, BLM praised Biden for using his
pardoning power to help nonviolent offenders. But more needs to be done.
The organization is asking the president to extend pardons to everyone
convicted of federal charges during the 2020 protests of the murders of
George Floyd, Brianna Taylor and other black people, whose lives were
senselessly snuffed out by police officers. The charges were handed down
during Trump’s first presidency.
Additionally, the group is asking the president to put in place pre-emptive
pardons to protect those who will be protesting Trump’s racist policies, which
he intends to enact once in office. Well aware of Trump’s dangerous racist
policies, like restoring racial profiling by police, BLM is gearing up to protect
the rights of those who will be standing for justice, after the President-elect
takes office in January.

Getting the sitting president to pardon protestors, both past and future is the
best way to insure Trump can’t go back and strip away their freedom. We all
know that he is planning to pardon those who stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6,
2021, falsely claiming Biden stole the election, destroying government
property, assaulting and even killing capitol police officers.
So, while Biden is supporting millionaires and billionaires, he may as well
support those on the frontlines fighting for justice for black people. It’s only
To urge President Biden to grant post and pre-pardons to activists fighting for
racial justice, gender equality, immigrant rights and the preservation of our
democracy, join the campaign at


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