Tuesday, February 18, 2025
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Inglewood Unified School District

Dear Inglewood Unified School District (IUSD) Staff, Students, Families and Community: 

In our continued commitment to serving our community and providing current information, we have some important updates in this week’s message.

Class of 2021 Senior Graduation Updates

We are excited to announce that our District will be holding in-person graduations for our senior graduates on Saturday, June 19, 2021. The graduation ceremonies will take place at the following times: City Honors at 10:00 a.m., Morningside High School at 2:00 p.m., and Inglewood High School at 6:00 p.m. Congratulations to our Class of 2021!

Stellar Student Spotlight

By Maygan Orr

Genesis Aguilar is finishing this school year off right! As a top scholar at Crozier Middle School, this 7th grader has earned a 3.4 GPA in her honors classes, setting the bar high for being a stellar student as well as a student leader. Genesis attended Oak Street Elementary School, and while there, she assisted her math teachers with grading, and creating homework assignments that were interesting and meaningful to her fellow students. Math has always been her favorite subject because she enjoys problem solving. Her hobbies include drawing buildings and tropical scenes, and listening to Spanish music, specifically Banda and Corridos. Genesis would like to attend UCLA for college one day, and become a graphic designer. 

This school year, Genesis demonstrated her leadership skills in the Beverly Hills West (CA) Chapter of the Links, Incorporated’s GEMS program- (GIRLS EMPOWERED, MOTIVATED, and STRONG). GEMS is an after-school program designed to prepare middle school girls to meet the challenges of adolescence and young adulthood, make positive life choices, and maximize their authentic potential as young ladies of color. Through the GEMS program, Genesis attended virtual workshops with guest speakers twice a month, and took on volunteer leadership roles within the workshops, such as introducing guest speakers and creating slide shows. Some of the workshop topics during the 2020-2021 school year were: virtual field trips to Ghana, Senegal, and Paris, skin care, Earth Day, celebrating Women’s history, STEM, Black and Latinx artists, and also the inauguration of Links, Inc. member, Vice-President Kamala Harris. Genesis shared that her favorite event was the Womens’ History month workshop, because it increased her confidence and inspired her to become a woman that serves her community. 

Genesis has this advice to share with her fellow IUSD students: “We all start at 0, so we can all get to 100.”

To nominate a stellar IUSD student to be spotlighted next month email maygan.orr@inglewoodusd.com. 

Memorial Day 

In observance of Memorial Day, our District Offices and schools will be closed on Monday, May 31, 2021. School and District operations will resume on Tuesday, June 1, 2021. Please join us to honor and remember our heroes who sacrificed their lives to ensure our safety and freedom. 

Senior Graduation Photos

To Parents and Guardians of our graduating seniors: Our District would like to acknowledge all of the achievements of our seniors with a special recognition. We would like to include a photo of each of our graduates that will be displayed on our website and social media platforms. It is not required to have a professional take their senior portrait, however there are some image specifications that must be considered when submitting photos. Please click here to review specifications and to submit your senior’s photo.

Dodgers Foundation Pull Up Neighbor Tour

The Los Angeles Dodgers Foundation and partners at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Health and the American Heart Association (AHA) are hosting a “Drive Thru Distribution” at Morningside High School on June 5, 2021 from 10:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m. Some of the items distributed will include food boxes from the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank, UCLA Health hygiene essentials, Dodgers items, COVID Resources, vaccine education materials and more! The distribution is free and open to the public. Cars will be served on a first-come-first-served basis. Please click here to access the event flyer.

Girls Conference: Amplifying Our Girls’ Voices

The Inglewood Teachers Association (ITA) and Instructional Leadership Core has collaborated with IUSD to host a virtual 2-day Girls Conference for high school aged students. The second session will take place on June 4, 2021 from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. This event consists of a series of workshops, panels, and performances designed to inspire and support girls to reach their greatest potential and goals. Some of the themes will include civic engagement, health and wellness and the secrets of navigating community college and technical careers. Participants will have an opportunity to hear from students, District leadership, community partners, and more! To register for this virtual event, please click here. 

SoFi Hiring Inglewood Residents Students 

SoFi Stadium is looking to fill over 3,000 open positions with qualified candidates for the upcoming NFL season for both the Los Angeles Rams and Chargers, concerts, comedy shows, community events and more! SoFi Stadium has made a commitment to hire 35% of all Event Day staff from the Inglewood community. Graduating seniors who are interested in the sports and entertainment industry, are encouraged to apply for part-time positions. Please click here to access a list of jobs that include Guest Service Representative, Technical and Mobility Ambassadors, Concession and Landscaping and the dates for future hiring events. In addition, SoFi Stadium partners, Legends, ABM Industries and Contemporary Services Corporation are also actively seeking qualified candidates for over 2,000 open positions at the hiring fair as well. Please explore the available positions by visiting the following websites:

Food and Beverage, and Merchandising Jobs with Legends

Crowd Management Jobs with CSC

Janitorial Jobs with ABM

Grocery Kits Distribution Update

Our District is providing ONE free Grocery Kit per student every Wednesday at the following sites: Bennett-Kew, Inglewood HS, La Tijera and Woodworth-Monroe and every Friday at Centinela and Worthington Elementary Schools to all children ages 18 and under. Food distribution hours are at 7:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. The kits contain 5 days of breakfast, lunch and snacks, including a gallon of milk and fresh bulk produce. The kits may include various grocery items each week such as eggs, cheese, cherries, apricots, peaches, avocados and cucumbers. For more information, please contact the IUSD Food Services department at (310) 680-4870. 

Thank you staff, parents, students, and community members for your ongoing support and commitment to the success of our district. 



Erika F. Torres, Ed.D., MSW 

County Administrator


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