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Inglewood People Mover Wins $95.2 Million State Grant

IT News Wire

The City of Inglewood is proud to announce the California State Transportation Agency has awarded the City a $95.2 million grant that will go toward the Inglewood Transit Connector Project (ITC Project). In selecting the city to receive one of the largest amounts disbursed in this year’s round of grantmaking, state officials noted the project’s importance not only with regard to transportation, but also as a years-long engine for regional employment and economic growth.

The City of Inglewood is undergoing a historic economic revitalization that is projected to become one of the fastest growing housing and employment centers in Los Angeles County. The ITC Project, an elevated automated people mover system with three train stations, will complete the missing link that exists today and provide a direct transit connection from the Metro Crenshaw/LAX Line’s Downtown Inglewood station to the City’s new housing and employment centers, and sports and entertainment venues including Downtown Inglewood, The Forum, SoFi Stadium, Hollywood Park and the proposed Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center. By 2040, these areas, all located within walking distance of the ITC Projects stations, are projected to experience a tremendous boom in population, housing and employment.

The state is not alone in its strong support for the ITC. Funding for the $1 billion project will also consist of local regional Measure R funding, infrastructure impact fees, real estate developer contributions, City revenues and private financing from the selected ITC Project developer. In fact, on March 9, 2020, the South Bay Cities Council of Governments also voted to reallocate $233 million in Measure R sales tax revenue that had been slated for highway improvements to the ITC Project.

“This is terrific news for the people of Inglewood and all residents of the region,” said Mayor James Butts. “Even in this time of economic challenge and hardship, our city’s economic momentum keeps moving forward. But I have to note that months of work went into this application, and Inglewood enjoyed the support of environmental advocates, the transit community, labor, residential communities, commercial and nonprofit stakeholders, and virtually every elected official in the region. For that I am deeply appreciative.”

In particular, CA State Senator Holly Mitchell expressed her support for the ITC Project. “The Inglewood renaissance hasn’t happened overnight. It has taken a lot of hard work,

visionary leadership and strategic planning, so I am thrilled to see the state invest in the city’s future by awarding it this well-deserved grant. Our region has an overwhelming need for increased investment in transit infrastructure. This grant will benefit our residents, provide for a more integrated transit system, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and support jobs in our region.”

Likewise, Los Angeles County Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas threw his support behind the project. He also cheered today’s news.

“I know once we bounce back from our current crisis the need for social connectedness will be more essential than ever before,” said Los Angeles County Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas. “This investment from the State is a true game changer – as it will catalyze a true public-private partnership connecting people from across the Southland to the tremendous new infrastructure being built in Inglewood including the SoFi stadium. Public transit must get people where they want to go – and this investment will go a long way in making the vision for Los Angeles County’s 21st century transit system a reality. This is a big win.”

The state TIRCP grant is an extra financial boost that assures the ITC Project will be completed in time for the 2028 Olympics.

When completed, the project will provide a critical transportation connection during the 2028 Summer Olympic Games; the new SoFi Stadium is slated to host the Opening and Closing Ceremonies.

Eli Lipmen, Director of Development and Programming at MoveLA, also expressed the organization’s support for the ITC Project.

“The Crenshaw Line and the ITC play a vital role in beginning to connect South Bay residents to the Metro System countywide. Equitable public transit is pivotal to jobs, education, affordable housing, and more. We hope to see projects like these expand connectivity to the South Bay in the future.”


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