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A Full Time Dad

Tuesday, December 12,2023 Inglewood City Hallin

After the business of the city council concluded, those in attendance witnessed a scaled down  but emotional good-bye to the second longest serving city manager in Inglewood. city administration.
     Having  worked as a civil servant in several surrounding cities since 1986. Artie Fields joined the city of Inglewood in  2011. Finances in the city were at the time catastrophic, Mr. Fields helped provide a steady, guiding hand alongside the vision of Mayor Butts, surrounded by a progressive minded council and a supportive electorate, which survived the worst of times.
          Yesterday, as the city closes in on the new year, the council honored Mr. Fields. The veteran members of the council heaped praise upon him and the recently elected  members added their thanks for his mentorship. Although he announced his plans earlier this fall, the date chosen for his retirement is rapidly approaching, and since the city will be closing down for the holidays, this will be the last opportunity to give him his Kudos before the December 29th end of service.
     “I’m not retiring because I’m tired,” said Fields in an earlier interview. I’m really retiring because I am a single father of a six year old. I want to be a full time dad.”
     I’ll leave it right here. Congratulations, young man. Thank you for your service.


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