At the end of this week’s City Council meeting, the mayor and each council member corrected the false assertions made by the City Treasurer during her public comments. Earlier in the meeting the council members addressed the agenda items decisively.
The council authorized the payment of invoices from the General Fund submitted by Thomson Reuters for access to the West Information Services database.
The council approved a Cooperative Purchase Agreement (piggyback), RFP No. 120716-NAF, with National Auto Fleet Group and Sourcewell, formerly National Joint Power Alliance, a public agency, for the purchase of five vehicles for the Housing Protection Department and a Cooperative Purchase Agreement, Contract No. 062916-GPC, with Genuine Parts Company, dba NAPA Auto Parts through Sourcewell, formerly National Joint Powers Alliance.
The council approved an agreement with HF&H Consultants, LLC (HF&H) to assist the City of Inglewood with contract negotiations for Consolidated Disposal Service/Republic Services.
The council adopted resolutions pertaining to the November 3rd General Municipal Election.
The council authorized the utilization of Tax-Exempt Bond funds to fund the remaining payment for work performed by TL Veterans Constructions, Inc., at Parking Structure No. 2 located at 115 North Locust.
The council approved the reallocation of 500,000 in HOME funds for the Homeless Tenant-Based Rental Assistance Program.
The council set a public hearing for June 30, 2020, to consider the adoption of a resolution establishing Short Term Rental Fees; to reconsider adoption of a Categorical Exemption EA-CE-2020-36 and General Plan Amendment GPA 2020-01 to AdoptanEnvironmental Justice Element of the General Plan; and to reconsider adoption of a Categorical Exemption EA-CE-2020-37 and General Plan Amendment GPA 2020-02 to amend the Land Use Element of the Inglewood Comprehensive General to clarify existing population density and building intensity allowances for all land use designations.
The council considered Ordinance No. 20-09 amending Chapter 3 of the Inglewood Municipal Code (IMC) to implement the Citywide Permit Parking Districts Program that was first introduced on June 9, 2020.
The City Treasurer continued with her recent pattern of criticizing the mayor and individual council members while presenting false information about council members’ salaries and $77,000 that was overpaid to a contractor during her public comments.
In an effort to ensure that anyone wishing to address the council on any agenda item had a chance to be heard Mayor Butts announced a second opportunity for citizens to call in. There were not public comments.
Member Dotson commented on his 50 year residency in the City of Inglewood and acknowledged that the council has done many positive things that have never been done before. He commented that ‘fighting among ourselves’ is not productive and later wished everyone a Happy Father’s Day.
Member Padilla said that it was unfortunate that the council must spend time correcting false assertions made in a public forum. He assured the community that ‘we do things above board, the way they are supposed to be done. He too extended Father’s Day Blessings.
Member Franklin echoed the remarks of his colleagues and, acknowledging the protest on the City Hall lawn, indicated that the proposed Warren Lane school closure was made by the State administrator who presides over the Inglewood Unified School District and the council respects their decision. He added Father’s Day wishes to all.
Member Morales said that personal attacks are not productive and acknowledged that the mayor is the focal point for the good and the bad. He expressed the independence of each council member who speaks up whenever it is necessary. He added Father’s Day wishes.
Mayor Butts appropriately addressed the personal attacks and completely false assertions made by the City Treasurer indicating that the council members disagree privately but ultimately make decisions that are in the best interest of the city and its residents. He corrected three of the treasurer’s false statements related to the city’s finances and earlier the City Clerk refuted her assertion that the current council had attempted to increase their salary.