Sr. Margaret’s Center Food Program
By Francis Taylor, Executive Editor
St. Margaret’s Center, located at 10217 Inglewood Avenue, invites all Inglewood seniors, 60 years and older, with one form of identification, to participate in their new Food program. Eligible participants can receive a free food kit once per month in addition to the food they are already receiving from the food pantry.
The food kit is prepared with specific nutritional needs such as meats, canned fruits and vegetables, dry milk and related products, cereals, and other grain products, plus much more. The food distribution takes place on the third Tuesday of every month from 9-11 a.m. The Center also offers free assistance in applying for CalFresh, troubleshooting, certification, follow-up, and submission of applications. Help is available by telephone at 310-672-2208.
In addition to the Food Bank, St. Margaret’s Center provides a broad range of social services and public programs from free diapers for eligible babies and toddlers as well as female hygiene products, showers for homeless persons and gas and electric utility assistance to immigration processing, literacy tutoring and health insurance application assistance, to name only a few.
Save St. Margaret’s telephone number into your cell phone. They are there for the citizens of Inglewood and the adjacent communities.