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City Council Meeting July 25, 2023

By Francis Taylor, Executive Editor

The council conducted a public hearing to consider adoption of the Draft City of Inglewood 2023-2024 Annual Action Plan and adopted the Draft City of Inglewood 2023-2024 Annual Action Plan and approved the Minutes of the Meeting held on March 29, 2023, and approved the Minutes of the Meeting held on April 4, 2023

The council authorized the payment, in the total amount of $5,175, of an invoice submitted by KJLH Radio, 102.3 FM, payable to Taxi Productions, Inc., for on-air broadcasts of the City’s inaugural Inglewood Music Festival (Festival), held on Saturday, June 24, 2023, at Darby Park.

The council adopted a resolution to eliminate the $275,000 annual not-to-exceed amount for County of Los Angeles Department of Animal Care and Control (DACC) services.

The council awarded a contract and approved an agreement with At Your Service Construction & Energy, Inc., for the Crenshaw-Imperial Library Improvement Project, per Bid No. CB-23-08.

The council approved Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 20-219 with A+ Traffic Management, Inc., extending the term by twenty-four months (24) months to August 1, 2025, and increasing the agreement compensation by an additional amount not to exceed $6,541,128 for two additional service years, for Traffic Management and Control Services.

The council approved an agreement between the City of Inglewood (City) and the Los Angeles County Flood Control District (LACFCD) for maintenance of trash excluders (catch-basin screen & baskets) installed by the City inside LACFCD owned catch basins.

The council approved Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 22-288 with HHJ Construction, Inc., extending the term to May 30, 2024, to complete the residential sound insulation work on 62 Units (Project XV, Group 32).to reflect a total pooled amount of $9.6 million for all three years of the agreement with eight consultants:

The council submitted two (2) applications to the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) through the ExpressLanes Net Toll Revenue Re-Investment Grant Program (Grant Program) in furtherance of the Inglewood Transit Connector (ITC) Project. 


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