Saturday, July 27, 2024

Top 5 This Week

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Another Easter Online Service Faithful Central will remain virtual

The phone at the legendary Faithful Central Bible Church in Inglewood went straight to voice mail.

A woman voice told the whole story, one quite familiar during the COVID-19 pandemic. “We will remain closed for the foreseeable future, not just following Los Angeles County Health guidelines, but for the safety of everyone.”

During any other time and at any other business it would not be so alarming, but few establishments will be adversely impacted as much as churches, the beacon of our community and bedrock of our foundation.

However, while vaccines are getting into the arms and many restrictions have be lifted such as indoor dinning at restaurants, worship service will continue to conducted online at Faithful Central.


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Established by Dr. A. C. Capers founded Faithful Central in 1936 with a membership of 18 dedicated believers Faithful Central has continued to evolve under the leadership and guidance

Of the esteemed Bishop Kenneth C. Ulmer who was called to be this church’s third pastor in 1982. 

With the combination of excellence in leadership and Bishop Ulmer’s dynamic teaching and preaching style, the church continued to expand its membership with two and eventually three Sunday morning services.

Faithful Central once conducted services at the Forum, but now is comfortably situated at 321 N. Eucalyptus Ave., Inglewood.

When open services are held in the 1,100-seat sanctuary, known as the Living Room and additional services are usually added, but parking and worship space continue to remain a challenge.

However, for now on this Easter Sunday, parishioners will not have to leave their living rooms to be witness to The Living Room, and challenges of space for parking are obsolete.


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