County Administrator Dr. Erika Torres
Dear Inglewood Unified School District (IUSD) Staff, Students, Families and Community:
In our continued commitment to serving our community and providing current information, we have some important updates in this week’s message. In addition, we want to invite you to our November 3, 2021 Board of Education meeting at 5:00 p.m., where updates will be provided on various district matters including our 2021 Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team (FCMAT) progress report and our technology plan. Please click here to access the Board meeting livestream and agenda.
COVID-19 Updates
In response to staff and parent feedback and after much consideration, our current onsite weekly testing vendor, GenStar Labs, is being transitioned out and will no longer be providing services to the District effective November 5, 2021. We are transitioning these services to Vital Healthcare, who began providing COVID-19 testing for athletics and walk-up/drive through clinics for the District in March 2021. We understand that this change has an impact on those already testing with GenStar and we truly apologize for this inconvenience, as we will need participants to register with Vital Healthcare.
Weekly Onsite COVID-19 Testing
Student Registration
Must be completed by Parent/Guardian, if under age 18
Student COVID-19 Testing Website
Employee Testing Registration
Employee COVID-19 Testing Website
COVID-19 Procedures, Contacts, Forms, Schedules, FAQ’s
A Virtual COVID-19 Vaccine & Testing Town Hall is scheduled for Thursday, November, 4, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. Please click here to join the virtual town hall meeting. Vital Healthcare will share testing program information including demonstrations on how the COVID-19 test is performed and how to register. In addition, Jerry Abraham, M.D. of Kedren Health will share information and answer questions related to the COVID-19 vaccine leading up to the anticipated rollout of vaccines for ages 5 and older.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Speech Contest
The City of Inglewood is sponsoring a speech contest honoring Dr. Martin Luther King and invited IUSD students, grade levels K-12, to participate and share their thoughts around the theme “Life’s most urgent question is what are you doing for others?” The prompt encourages students to write about how they see themselves, and share in detail how they are contributing to making their community and world a better place to live.
Additional contest guidelines are as follows:
Speeches are to be written and delivered by students.
Speeches must follow the theme: Dr. King said “Life’s most urgent question is what are you doing for others?”
Speech must be delivered within the length of time allotted per grade level.
Grade K-2: 2 minutes
Grades 3-5: 3 minutes
Grades 6-8: 4 minutes
Grades 9-12: 5 minutes
Please submit your speech to or bring a printed copy to the Special Projects Department located at the District Office, 401 S. Inglewood Ave. Bungalow B1, by November 10, 2021. The selected winners will represent IUSD in the City of Inglewood’s Martin Luther King Speech Contest. Please click here to access the flyer.
Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE) Tutoring Services for Foster Youth
The Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE) Foster Youth Services Coordinating Program (FYSCP) is offering academic support to students in foster care at no cost. Students will have an opportunity to receive up to 20 hours of in-home or on-line, one-on-one tutoring, each school year. In order for the students to receive academic support, the following information is required:
Caregiver Contact Information
Student Information (name, date of birth, gender, grade level and courses).
Placement Type and if applicable, STRTP/group home, or name of foster family agency.
Court Status: Foster-Open Juvenile Dependency (WIC 300), Probation-Open Delinquency (WIC 602), Both-Dual Supervision, or Non-Minor Dependent.
Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) office name and Children’s Social Worker (CSW) and/or Los Angeles County Juvenile Probation Officer (PO) information.
For additional information, including service details, please click here. To access the flyer, please click here. If you have any questions or concerns, please call (562) 922-6161, or email
Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health Workshops
In collaboration with the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health (LACDMH) and United Mental Health Promoters, our District is hosting a series of educational workshops for anyone seeking resources regarding mental health prevention and early intervention. Some of the workshops include, Symptoms and Treatments of Depression, Stages of Grief and Loss, Drug and Alcohol Prevention and more! The next workshop will take place on November 3, 2021 at 9:00 a.m. in person at the Inglewood Unified Parent and Resource Center. The remaining workshops will be held through February 16, 2022. To view a list of additional dates and workshop details, please click here. For additional questions, please contact Monica Hernandez at (310) 419-2788.
In collaboration with the Los Angeles Rams, WalkUnited LA is hosting a 5K walk and run on Saturday, November 6, 2021 at SoFi Stadium beginning at 9:00 a.m. Participants will contribute to United Way’s mission to help permanently break the cycle of generational poverty by addressing issues related to poverty, homelessness and housing stability, education, and economic mobility and more. The registration fee is $20 for all walkers and $30 for all runners. To register, please click here. To learn more about WalkUnited LA, please click here. Online registration will close on Friday, November 5, 2021 at 12:00 p.m. To view the event flyer, please click here. If you would like to register to be a volunteer with WalkUnited LA, please click here. Please note, that in effort to ensure safety, WalkUnited LA has implemented the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health guidelines which require all individuals 12 and older must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or have proof of a negative COVID-19 test conducted within 72 hours before event start time, along with a photo ID.
El Camino College
In honor of #IUSDCollegeShirtWednesdays through our District’s recognition of October as College and Career Readiness Month, some of our staff sported El Camino College Shirts! We are grateful to our partner at El Camino College for sharing their commitment with our District in promoting a college going culture within our schools! At IUSD we believe in creating an environment that shapes attitudes, practices, and beliefs that encourage students to obtain more information and tools for post-secondary education for all students.
South Bay Promise
The South Bay Promise, a program available to all first-time college students attending El Camino in the fall, offers an affordable pathway for students who are transitioning from high school to college. Students enrolled as first-time full-time students will have their first and second year fees waived and additional services and counseling will be offered to students enrolled in the South Bay Promise. To apply and view eligibility requirements, please click here. For additional questions, please contact Ananda Williams at
College Night
El Camino College is hosting “College Night” on November 10, 2021 from 5:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. This in-person event is an open house event showcasing everything El Camino College has to offer! Come learn about programs and resources! All prospective students, parents, adult learners, educators, and community members are welcome to attend. For more information, please click here.
Thank you staff, parents, students, and community members for your ongoing support and commitment to the success of our district.
Erika F. Torres, Ed.D., MSW
County Administrator