Friday, January 17, 2025
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Top 5 This Week

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Faithful Central Bible Church COVID-19 Vaccination Site

Faithful Central Bible Church, located in Inglewood at the corner of Eucalyptus and Florence Avenues, recently transformed their parking lot into a COVID-19 Vaccination Site, contributing to President Biden’s commitment to vaccinating as many adults as possible and expanding the vaccination centers to include local medical centers, churches and other suitable locations.   the 

In this week’s short city council meeting a public hearing was set to consider an ordinance amending Chapter 2 , Administration, of the Inglewood Municipal Code.

As is customary the City Attorney’s Office recommended the rejection of the following legal claims against the city pursuant to Government Code, Section 913:

Teresa Fonseca for alleged property damage on February 11, 2021.

Sheron Howard for alleged personal injury on June 20, 2020.

Inether Smith for alleged personal injury on August 28, 2020.

Stephanie Smith for alleged property damage on January 7, 2021.

The council approved Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 20-238 with Sirsi Corporation for the Implementation of an Integrated Library Software System with payment derived from the General Fund.

The council approved Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 16-142 with Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LACMTA) for Sub-regional Paratransit Services, with payment derived from a grant and Amendment Four , which pertains to the Families First Coronavirus Response Act Grant Funding Reallocation, to the Elderly Nutrition Program, with payment derived from the General Fund.

The council approved an Advance Funding Agreement with Murphy’s Bowl, LLC and awarded a construction contract for the Inglewood New Well No. 8 construction project, pursuant to Bid No. CB-21-03.

The council awarded a contract and approved an agreement with All American Asphalt with payment derived from various funding sources.

The council adopted Ordinance No. 21-06, which was introduced on March 23, 2021, and amended the Inglewood Municipal Code, Section 5-67, which pertains to the Unauthorized Use of Park Facilities, defined the terms “camp or lodge,” expanded hours when people are prohibited from being in City Parks, and updated job titles.


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