The weekly Inglewood City Council Meetings have been very brief over the last several weeks as the council members swiftly discharge the business on the agenda. At the same time, Inglewood residents have not been permitted to attend the council meetings because of the restrictions imposed by COVID-19, but have been allowed to call in to participate in the meeting by telephone or by submitting their questions and concerns in advance to the City Clerk. Interested persons are also able to view the actual meetings on cable television.
This week the council approved Amendment Five of the Elderly Nutrition Program Services Subaward Number ENP202107 with County of Los Angeles Workforce Development Aging and Community Services (WDACS) to reallocate baseline grant funding for provision of the Elderly Nutrition Program (ENP), with payment provided by the Grants Fund.
The council also approved Amendment Six of the Elderly Nutrition Program Services Subaward Number ENP202107 with County of Los Angeles Workforce Development Aging and Community Services (WDACS) to allocate baseline grant funding for provision of the Elderly Nutrition Program (ENP).
The council approved Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. 19-224 with UrbanTrans Consultants, Inc, extending the term of the agreement by one year to further aid with the operation, management, and securing future funding of the Transportation Demand Management Pilot Program. (Landside Access Modernization Program Fund)
The council adopted a resolution declaring the City’s intention to adopt the report of the Public Works Director concerning delinquent charges for sewer and refuse collection services (Health and Safety Code Sections 5470, et seq.), and requesting that a public hearing be set for any protest.
The council set a public hearing be set to consider an ordinance to amend Inglewood Municipal Code Chapters 10 (Public Works) and 12 (Planning and Zoning) including Zoning Code Amendment (ZCA-2021-002) to modify signage regulations for Banners in the Public Right of Way, citywide.