Friday, July 26, 2024

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Inglewood’s Emma’s Snack Shop Continues to Serve Loyal Customers

While the COVID-19 Pandemic has forced the closure of many businesses as a result of having fewer customers, others are ‘weathering the storm,’ like Emma’s Snack Shop, by serving the customers who remained loyal. Located at 205 South Market Street in Inglewood Emma’s Snack shop has been operating from the same location for over 20 years.

The small business landscape throughout the city, and indeed the region, has changed with businesses that have been shut down, temporarily and permanently. As the stores on both sides of Emma’s Snack Shop are closed and boarded up until further notice, Emma has figured out a strategy to with stand the pandemic after being closed for nearly three weeks. Her store is now open Monday-Saturday from 7am -5pm, which represents a two hour cut from normal operating hours because of the loss of 40 percent of her usual client base.

Emma is proud to be a member of and a business owner in otherwise thriving and rapidly growing Inglewood Community. In the 22 years that Emma has been operating her business has grown as a result of the standard burger and fries, chili dogs and nachos offerings. Recently however she has expanded her menu to serve the community with healthy options that include salads, sandwiches, wraps, and smoothies. Emma’s Snack Shop has been approved to accept food stamps for all cold food offerings.

Emma is taking all the necessary precautions to make sure she remains in compliance with the guidelines of local County Public Health Officer’s Orders and the State Public Health Officer’s Order with respect to safe food service operations. She has closed the inside of her shop and now operates through a make shift window in the doorway. Currently there is no evidence of food, food containers, or food packaging being associated with transmission of COVID-19. Her main concerns are the necessary employee layoffs she was forced to implement and the uncertainty of if and when she will be able to hire them back. “I worry that we may have to increase prices,” she said, “when operations return to normal.”  

Emma has refrained from implementing price increases, despite her rising costs, is because she wants to reciprocate the loyalty her patrons have given her over the years. Many of her original customers have shared her information on Social Media which has resulted in a large number of new customers.  “I am incredibly thankful for the support and appreciate every single tag, share and repost,” she concluded.

 Find and Follow @emmassnackshop on Instagram and Emma’s Snack Shop on Facebook.


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