During this pandemic quarantine domestic violence has been rising. In fact, one statistic showed domestic violence as the number 1 crime in the last four months. Just this past week, Megan The Stallion was allegedly shot in the foot by her boyfriend. Our community instead of taking to the streets demanding justice, which I am certain all the feminist in this country would have done if it was Taylor Swift, in turn started joking about something that could have been fatal. 50 cent, the renowned rapper, even joked about it on his Instagram. The trolling affected Megan so much that she made a public statement, “It might be funny to y’all on the internet and just another messy topic for you to talk about but this is my real life and I’m real life hurt and traumatized.” No woman should ever be harmed, especially by her lover. Black women are the most unprotected women in America. A disturbing statistic is that at least 2 out of 5 black women will experience some form of domestic violence in their lifetime. And we wonder why our community isn’t thriving? No community can thrive if it doesn’t have a clear understanding to Protect Its’ Queens. Queens birth the black lives that we march the streets to profess Black Lives Matter.
Michelle Obama once stated ,“The difference between a broken community and a thriving one is the presence of women who are valued; where relationships among women and between women and men are based on mutual respect.” So it’s up to us to Respect And Protect Black Women. I do not agree with Will and Jada’s entanglement fiasco, but I did respect how emotionally intelligent Will was during their Red Table Talk. Jada said some things that were a complete blow to his ego, but he remained strong. Subsequently, less than 10 minutes after it aired memes were all over social media suggesting Will should have gone Ike Turner on Jada. Violence is for protecting yourself from violence not protecting your feelings. We need to man up or woman up and be stronger emotionally because we as can no longer afford to be less conscience than bees. Bees are tiny insects that only know to work and Protect The Queen!
I hope they arrest the cops that killed Breonna Taylor… #protectthequeens