Continuing with the practice established last week, the Inglewood City Council conducted their weekly meeting in an empty chamber while interested parties were encouraged to view the meeting that was streamed live or via live streaming in the Community Room on the first floor of the City Council building.
The council adopted a resolution approving Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 82105 for the development of a 20-unit small lot subdivision and approved an Advance Funds Agreement with ARYA Premiere Collections, LLC, to cover the cost of environmental review services required for Phase I of the CEQA documents associated with a proposed 14-story hotel development at 3820 West 102nd Street.
The council approved a five-year lease agreement with the Assembly Committee on Rules, California State Assembly (State), authorizing Assemblywoman Autumn Burke (62nd Assembly District) to occupy 1,706 square feet of office space on the 6th floor of Inglewood City Hall (Suite 601).
The council also approved a a two-year Agreement (with the option to extend an additional year), with Administrative Services Corporation, Inc. dba Yellow Cab and United Independent Taxi Drivers Incorporated (United Independent Taxi of South-West, Inc.) to provide subsidized taxicab services for elderly and disabled persons through March 17, 2022.
The council approved an agreement with Motorola Solutions, Inc., to purchase radio equipment for use at SoFi Stadium and Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. 19-002 with Dictation Sales and Service dba Equature, extending the term through September 30, 2024, for the purchase additional voice recorder equipment, software, and support services.
The council agreed to acquire six (6) utility task vehicles from Polaris Sales, Inc., and approved an Advance Funds Agreement with Prairie Station LLC in the amount of $59,841 to cover the cost of environmental services associated with a 392 unit residential development at Prairie Avenue x 113th Street.
The council approved Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 20-020 with Kane, Ballmer & Berkman to provide legal services on behalf of the City, Successor Agency, Housing Authority and Parking Authority.
The council adopted the Executive Order initiative by Mayor James T. Butts Jr., to declare the following:
The Local Emergency is extended and remains in effect to the maximum extent authorized by state law;
Any order promulgated by the Mayor to provide for the protection of life and property, pursuant to Government Code section 8634, shall be ratified by the City Council at the earliest practicable time;
No landlord shall evict a residential or commercial tenant in the City of Inglewood during this local emergency who’s financial hardship is directly linked to the COVID-19 pandemic (as outlined in the proclamation);
The passage of this Executive Order does not relieve a tenant of the obligation to pay rent, nor restrict a landlord’s ability to recover rent due; and
Tenants have six months from the termination of the local emergency by the City of termination of the State emergency (whichever is later) to pay back the rent owed.