IT News Wire
Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-Inglewood), Chairwoman of the House Committee on Financial Services, joined with Reps. Judy Chu, Lucille Roybal-Allard, Karen Bass, and Norma Torres for the “LA Speaks Out Against AAPI Hate” virtual event.
This event included remarks from elected officials, victims of hate who courageously shared their stories, and organizations that provided information on how to report incidents and ultimately help address this issue.
Congresswoman Maxine Waters delivered the following remarks at the event:
“Thank you so very, very much Judy Chu for hosting this important event. You know, as one of the most senior Members of the California delegation, I feel a strong responsibility to provide leadership on this issue. I want you to know, as the Chair of the Financial Services Committee, I’ve created a Subcommittee on Diversity and Inclusion in order to deal with racism and discrimination. I want you to know that I do not tolerate racism and discrimination in any shape or form. I have been a victim of racism and discrimination all my life and so, I’m with you today because I stand tall against this racism that is being activated and is placed against all of the Asian American and Pacific Islander community. I want you to know that when I joined the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, that I joined it because I knew that we need to stand together on all of these issues of racism and discrimination. And so, it is not just now that I’m getting started with this issue. You know, I represent a community of cities. My city of Gardena is twenty five percent AAPI, my city of Torrance is thirty six percent AAPI, and I deal with the issues of concern to all of my communities all the time. And so, this past weekend, in one of my cities of Westchester, we took to the street and we organized a protest where we stood for hours protesting the racism and discrimination against members of the AAPI community.
“So, I am so pleased about your leadership, Judy, and I am also pleased that my colleagues have joined with you today and have expressed their outrage at the racism and discrimination that’s being placed against the AAPI community.
“And so, not only do I stand up in support of and in solidarity with our AAPI community. Over the past year we have all witnessed the horrific rise in anti-Asian sentiment and violence, and we’re here today to say in no uncertain terms: enough is enough! Just this week, when I mentioned to you, that I joined with grassroots leaders of all ages and backgrounds for a protest in my district, I want you to know that we’re going to continue. We’re going to do this as often as we can, and we’re going to move around the district in doing it.
“The racist attack in Georgia that killed eight people, including six women of Asian descent, was a horrid reminder of the white supremacist threat that has plagued our country for hundreds of years. That attack is rooted in the same type of hatred that killed nine Black members of the Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina, and is rooted in the same type of hatred that killed 23 Latinos at the Walmart in El Paso, Texas. It is clear that the only promise of white supremacy is that none of us are safe.
“This Anti-Asian violence isn’t just happening in one community or one neighborhood. It is happening all over the country and yes, in our own backyard too. While Donald Trump’s hateful and xenophobic rhetoric and actions contributed to this recent rise, we must not forget our country’s record when it comes to the treatment of Asians and Asian Americans.
“In 1882, we had the Chinese Exclusion Act which banned the immigration of Chinese laborers. In World War II, we saw the forced internment of over one hundred thousand Japanese Americans, and it is in one of those camps where our own colleague, Congresswoman Doris Matsui, was born. And let us not forget that the very Ku Klux Klan that terrorized Black people in this country, also waged attacks on Asian Americans.
“Now, during this time of grief, I know that the fear so many in the AAPI community are feeling can be paralyzing and debilitating – but I want you to know that I will never stop fighting to stop Asian hate, protect you, and lift your voice.
“So, I thank you again Congresswoman Judy Chu for holding this important press conference and for inviting me to share my thoughts. And I know that you know that you can depend on me to be in this struggle. And not one press conference, not one press release, not releases simply on our social media, but every day in every way. And again, as chairperson of the Financial Services Committee, I will use my platform to basically support you and deny any opportunities for Asian hatred in any of the work that I do. Thank you so very much.”