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City Council Meeting – April 4th

By Francis Taylor, Executive Editor

Following a routine City Council Meeting Mayor James T. Butts read a proclamation honoring departing City Council Member George Dotson that cited his numerous accomplishments during his nine-year tenure as a member of the Inglewood City Council.  Inasmuch as this was Dotson’s last council meeting as a council member several citizens offered public comments highlighting their appreciation for Dotson’s service. At the beginning of the meeting a public hearing was conducted to consider adoption of a resolution approving a certain Special Use Permit request to allow an approximately 70,000 square-foot addition to an existing 156,000 square-foot 6-story self-storage facility on an approximately 74,000 square-foot, M-1 (Light Manufacturing) zoned property at 937-959 West Hyde Park Boulevard.  After public comments, a staff report, and comments from Council Members Alex Padilla and Eloy Morales, the council affirmed the categorical exemption EA-2022-129 and adopted the resolution approving Special Use Permit No. SP-2022-008 with appropriate findings subject to 13 Conditions. A second public hearing was conducted to consider amending the Master Fee Schedule to reflect a year-over-year 8% increase in the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index (CPI). Similarly, following public comments the council adopted a resolution approving the fee increases and authorized staff to amend the Master Fee Schedule to reflect said fee increases to be operative commencing June 5, 2023. It is significant to note that the fee increases for Inglewood residents will cap at four percent, rather than eight percent for non-residents. A third public hearing was heard to consider adoption of a resolution adopting the Relocation Plan for the Inglewood Transit Connector Project. The measure was adopted. The council authorized payment of an invoice in the amount of $535, submitted by Bell Event Services, Inc., for providing a light tower for the City’s Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Festival on Saturday, February 18, 2023. (General Fund) The council authorized payment of an invoice in the amount of $3,000, submitted by Elevate Culture Corporation, for provision of Talent and Stage Production Services for the City’s 2023 King Day Celebration. (General Fund) The council authorized payment of an invoice, in the amount of $10,000, submitted by Harris Steel Fence Co. Inc., forrepair of the ballfield fence at Darby Park. (General Fund) The council authorized payment of an invoice in the amount of $73,945.98, submitted by the City of Manhattan Beach for supplemental law enforcement services. (General Fund) The council authorized purchase orders to AT&T Services, Inc. for new cellphones and the related service plans. (IT & Communications Fund) The council awarded a contract and approved an agreement with Mehta Mechanical Company, Inc. dba MMC, Inc. (Contractor), using American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Grant Funds, for the North Inglewood Booster Pump No. 3 Replacement Project, per Bid No. CB-23-05. (General Fund) The council approved a renewal agreement with Enerwise Global Technologies, Inc., dba CPower (CPower), to serve as a Curtailment Service Provider for Southern California Edison’s (SCE) “SCE Resource Adequacy Addendum” (RA).  The council awarded a contract and approved an agreement with S&L Specialty Construction, Inc. (S&L) to provide residential sound insulation work on 45 residential units (RSI Phase XV, Group 36), per Bid No. CB-23-06. (Noise Mitigation Fund) The council approved an agreement with Dynamic Planning, LLC (DP+S) for work related to the City’s Hazard Mitigation Plan. (Grant Fund)  The council adopted a resolution authorizing application to and participation in the Prohousing Designation Program. The council adopted Ordinance No. 23-09, regarding Stormwater Management and Discharge Control and amending Article 16 of Chapter 10 (Public Works) of the Inglewood Municipal Code to include additional revisions pursuant to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit requirements for the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System.    



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