Saturday, February 15, 2025
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Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Property will be Acquired by the City Council

Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Artist Rendering

The council allowed a Resolution of Necessity Hearing to consider the rescission of previously adopted Resolutions of Necessity, and the adoption of Resolutions of Necessity to acquire property in the city of Inglewood for the Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (“IBEC”) Project.
The council reviewed a letter from the City Attorney’s Office recommending denial of Tyler Bohanna’s claim for alleged personal injury; road condition on August 25, 2020.
The council adopted a resolution amending the Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Annual Budget to provide funding for maintenance of the Senior Center in the amount of $110,000 with funding provided by the CDBG Fund.
The council approved a three-year Master Services Agreements, referred to as a Master Agreement, with CHPC, Inc. and A.J. Fistes Corporation to provide facilities repainting and refinishing services, per Bid No. RFQu-0006, with funding derived from various funding sources.
The council adopted a resolution amending the Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Budget in the amount of $49,950 for Phase II Improvements at the Donald Bly Tennis Complex at Edward Vincent Park with funding from the General Fund.
The council awarded and approved an agreement with JCI Jones Chemicals, Inc., to deliver materials to the City of Inglewood Sanford T. Anderson Water Treatment Plant for the Supply and Delivery of Liquid Chlorine Project, per Bid No. RFB-0129.

Finally, the council announced a February 11 Closed Session Agenda with only two items: City of Inglewood Meeting of the City Council February 11, 2021. Closed Session–Confidential–Attorney/Client Privileged; City Council Conference with Legal Counsel–Anticipated Litigation Pursuant to GovernmentCodeSection54956.9(d)(2);Number of Cases: 1.CS-ClosedSession. Confidential Attorney/Client Privileged; City Council Conference with Legal Counsel–Anticipated Litigation Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2). As the term closed session indicates, there is no public knowledge about the subject of these closed session items. It is significant to note however that it has recently been reported that the City of Inglewood, the council and the mayor have been named in two individual and unrelated civil matters.


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